Both men and women may experience problems with thinning hair. New methods of treating hair loss are created as medicine develops. For individuals who are eligible, Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a very promising choice. The advantages of alternative treatment choices outweigh their drawbacks by a wide margin. Find out if this is the best course of therapy for you by reading on

How Does PRP Treatment for Hair Loss Work?

Platelet-rich plasma is referred to as PRP. The likelihood of an allergic reaction is quite low because this potent liquid is made from your own blood. All that's required is a tiny blood draw. The PRP is then taken out of this blood by centrifuging it. We have everything you need right in our office. The scalp is then selectively injected with pure platelet-rich plasma to activate the hair follicles.

What Advantages Does PRP Hair Loss Treatment Offer?

If you have been dealing with thinning hair, there are numerous reasons to think about this type of hair loss treatment. Top advantages of this treatment include:

The growth factors in platelet-rich plasma have been shown to be very effective for igniting hair follicles. After only a few months, the majority of people notice a difference. Please be aware that results usually come after several sessions. Treatments for maintenance are suggested as necessary once adequate results have been achieved.

There is no time for recovery: This method of hair loss therapy won't cause any downtime because it's non-surgical and only needs a small blood sample.

Again, because there is no surgery involved, this is a very comfortable process. There is little to no discomfort. Simple injections and a small bit of your blood are all that are required to finish a therapy session.

The appointments are brief and simple because much of the time spent in the office is spent getting ready to administer injections. The injections itself just take a few minutes to perform, after which you can continue your day.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for This Process?

The goal of this procedure is to fortify the hair follicles that are still growing. As a result, a man or woman who is in the early stages of hair loss is the best candidate. Get in contact with our staff at Renew Medical Centers to speak with someone about Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy and what it can do for you. Make an appointment by calling our office right away!


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